I have a desktop, a laptop, a phone, and a TV. I have a Facebook, a Pinterest, and an Instagram. I also watch Youtube videos (though honestly, those bore me). Social media is great for staying in touch with people, but I often just mindlessly scroll through posts and shares; I can keep in touch fine without it. Nevertheless, I find myself constantly checking social media out of boredom. Occasionally, I will have a quality conversation or learn something new about someone, but those instances are pretty rare; usually, I just waste my time.
Like most people my age, I have a phone. However, it isn’t a smartphone. It doesn’t text, tweet or surf the web; it merely calls people. But I am not complaining. It does what I need it to do. I rarely take it out of the house; it usually just sits in a basket beside my desk. I might make one phone call a day to see when my mom is coming home, or if my dad could pick up something while he is at the grocery. My phone definitely isn’t as important to me as it is to as many of my friends and peers.
I don’t think that I use technology as much as the average 13 year old, but do feel like I waste quite a bit of time on it. Technology allows us to do wonderful things, and we have done wonderful things because of it. Too often we use it to waste time. Maybe, if we stopped scrolling through posts and shares we could look up from our screens to notice the beautiful world we live in.
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