Their she sat on a mound of dirt surrounded by her friends.
Not far ahead a grove a trees grew and a meadow beyond it.
She had never see the meadow or the grove of trees,
but she dreamed of them, she wanted to meet the birds.
She looked up longingly at me as if asking me to take her there.
I reached down and plucked her, she was tiny in my hand.
I walked over to the trees with the little fluff ball in my hand.
I held her up, so the wind would carry her far.
I made a wish and she flew, up, up and away.
She danced in the wind, letting it carry her away,
she was a tiny parachutist who didn't want to land.
The little flower floated away, out beyond the trees,
out beyond the meadow, she flew far far away.
Love this.... it would make a great Children's book.