Monday, February 3, 2014

A Gap Year

Hi, so I recently wrote a 3-page paper for my literature class on taking a gap year. This is the short and sweet version. You can view the full paper here.

A Gap Year 

No, a gap year is not a year when you only wear clothes from Gap. A gap year is a year in between high school and college that you spend doing whatever it is you want. Some kids travel, others volunteer, and some take internships. Gap years have been very common in Europe for a long time. Gap years allow people to grow up in a way, and to figure out what it is they want to do.
There are many different things you can do during your gap year. Some people see the world, others volunteer, some people take internships. There are tons of programs to help you get the most out of your gap year. Many people spend their gap year volunteering. City Year is a volunteer program (part of Americorps) that helps kids in schools with high dropout rates succeed. Traveling is also a very popular activity to do during your gap year. Although it can be very expensive it can be well worth it. There are many programs that offer traveling activities. Of course, you don’t have to travel with a program. Planning your own trip can be much less expensive. A very popular activity to do on your gap year is to get an internship. Internships are great because they help you to determine if you want to spend the rest of your life doing whatever it is you're doing.
There are countless benefits of a gap year. Students and their parents agree that they are far more mature, confident, and much more self reliant after their gap year. Whatever it is you choose to do during your gap year you will definitely take something great away from it.
A gap year is a great idea, but requires some preparation. If you are going to take a gap year you will want to apply to college before graduating from high school and then request a deferral. They will almost always grant the request. Gap years can be expensive, but they don’t have to be. Some organizations, like Americorps, pay you. However, some programs like Thinking Beyond Borders cost up to $30,000 for two semesters. Many people spend the first few months of their gap year working to save up for their plans.
Whether you spend your gap year backpacking in South Africa or teaching English in Costa Rica you are sure to enjoy your year. Gap years are becoming more and more popular for a reason, they are a great idea. Who knows,  a gap year may be perfect for you.

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